Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media

Dans sa série Phenomenons, Ryo Minemizu a posé son objectif sur l’espèce vivante la plus répandue dans nos mers : le plancton. Des photographies saisissantes qui rendent visible l’invisible. Des formes différentes, des couleurs spectaculaires et une panoplie d’espèces variées : les eaux de la mer Osezaki au Japon brillent de mille lumières.

Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design
Unlike as now that being shed by the tide, when it comes to adults it is not moving at the bottom of the deep sea.
Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design This fish resembles a color and a way to swim like a flatworm/body length 20mm
Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design Abdominal fin of an unconventional trough pattern is large enough to ensure buoyancy. Body length: 35mm

Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design

Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design A kind of Paralepididae, which is approaching with interest in the light.

Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design

Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design Hyperiidea riding the jellyfish. It’s lke an alien maneuvering a spaceship/Jellyfish umbrella width 20mm

Amazing Pictures of Plankton – Fubiz Media Design

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